
I'm Adam Jemal, a product-driven software engineer passionate about leveraging technology to solve real-world problems 👨🏽‍💻

Get in touch adamjemal93@gmail.com


I'm currently an Technical Cofounder at a Stealth Startup.

On my spare time I enjoy shipping small applications and websites for local businesses that scale with the motto of "Packaging tailored solutions in the best visual experience".

When I'm not in front of a computer screen, I enjoy working on my woodworking projects, snowboarding, playing trivia games with friends, and blogging.

Currently seeking full-time opportunities!
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Python
  • SQL
  • React
  • Node
  • Express
  • Django
  • Bash
  • Git
  • Nginx
  • Digital Ocean
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
Other Projects

A working model of Twitter with many of it's core features functional.

Node.js Socket.io MongoDB Mongoose

Designed and developed Shoe Cadet for a client, it's a web app that streamlines the checkout process for high-demand, limited-stock items from top luxury and streetwear brands. I engineered the front-end and back-end, enabling automated transaction. This tool specifically targeted high-demand releases, enhancing customer experience and significantly increasing revenue during limited stock drops.

React.js Next.js Node.js MongoDB

MyHealthpass was the developed for Digital Health Hackathon Finals. Application securely stores and transmits vaccination and medical data of an Individual. Users can use it to show proof of medical identity and vaccination status.

Python Django JavaScript

All my completed work I did between 2021/2022 for the open source coding curriculum called the Odin Project. Feel free to click a link on my homemade web portal to check out my various completed projects.

JavaScript Node.js Express

User inputs all the names of the group present for the dinner. Application randomly selects a person from the list. The lucky individual pays for the groups dinner.

React.js SCSS

Web based viewer of all traffic cameras in the city of Toronto. App was developed using the traffic cameras dataset from the City of Toronto's Open Data portal.


My This site was my first version of my personal portfolio. I got a chance to recreate the popular particle JS feature. This library creates particles which float throughout the screen. I found it to be pretty cool!

JavaScript jQuery